It's October in central IL, and it's in the high 80's!
I'm having a hard time getting into the Fall/Winter fashions frame of mind when it's still warm enough in OCTOBER to wear shorts. This is the kind of weather I would expect back in NC where we just moved from, but not IL. Even when I was in Maine last month, it was unseasonably warm. Personally, I think the summers are getting longer and the winter months are shorter. BUT I digress...
October is going to be a super busy month for me. I recently joined the boutique eBabes (see link on the left-hand side) for a launch this weekend. We've heard that buyers want baby items, but the bids aren't reflecting that - Hmm.
I am also taking part in a "book swap theme" launch on the 10th. The Boutique Designers & Buyers board (BDB) on eBay is hosting this event. I've chosen two books that I had fabric for, so I am sewing and knitting or crocheting those two sets. You'll have to wait and see which books I chose though!
On the 15th, a lovely group of ladies (DDCW) that I list with is having a wonderful theme of "I'm thankful for..." Make sure to take a look at our auctions on won't be disappointed!
And lastly, on the 17th on eBay starts a week-long listing of auctions to benefit breast cancer awareness. The search word I believe will be boutique BCA. This is the third year this has been done, and it's always a great success!
Check out my links to the left to take a peek at all these lovely auctions!
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