Welcome Jennifer Danielle Duggar!
The super-sized Duggar family of Springdale, Arkansas, just got a little bigger with the birth of baby number 17 on August 2, 2007. Jennifer Danielle was born at 10:01 AM (CT), weighing in at 8 pounds, 8 ounces and measuring 21 inches in length.
Parents Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar happily welcome Jennifer Danielle to their amazing brood of 10 boys and six girls: Joshua, 19; Jana and John David, 17; Jill, 16; Jessa, 14; Jinger, 13; Joseph, 12; Josiah, 10; Joy-Anna, 9; Jeremiah and Jedidiah, 8; Jason, 7; James, 6; Justin, 4; Jackson, 3; and Johanna, 21 months.
"We are so grateful to God," said Michelle Duggar. "Jennifer is so precious and beautiful and such a sweet gift."
When asked about the possibility of more children, Jim Bob said, "We would certainly be open to having more children. The girls want to catch up with the boys now."
Viewers can catch up on two of Discovery Health's previous Duggar family specials, RAISING 16 CHILDREN and ON THE ROAD WITH 16 CHILDREN, at 8 and 9 PM (ET/PT) respectively, on Monday, August 6, 2007. In September, the next Discovery Health special featuring the oversized Duggar clan will premiere, and will include footage of Jennifer Danielle shortly after the birth and at home with the family.
Airs at 8 PM (ET/PT) on Monday, August 6, 2007
Revisit Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar, and their 15 children, with another on the way. This sequel to 14 CHILDREN AND PREGNANT AGAIN! catches up with the growing family as they manage daily life. With organizational skills that would challenge any CEO, Michelle and Jim Bob home-school their youngsters, manage everyday illnesses, bumps and bruises and shepherd youngsters to music lessons, church groups and sports events. All this as they build a new and larger home with sweat equity and no debt.
Airs at 9 PM (ET/PT) on Monday, August 6, 2007
The white lines of the highway disappear into the lonely Southwestern landscape. From the back of the RV, a child's voice asks that classic question, "Are we there yet?" Now multiply that question 16 times! Discovery Health takes the Duggar family on the road. From the detailed planning and packing to the astonished looks of strangers, the Duggar's road trip promises to be a wild ride. We've seen their mastery over the predictable daily schedule. Now see how they do when they have to make it up on the fly!
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