Being Christian in a Sinful World
I was recently reading a "discussion" about a movie, and it soon occurred to me that when anyone mentioned the sin in the movie; some people took great offense. In other words, you can talk about most anything you like, but don't you dare bring up religion. Why not? Why does this one thing offend so many?
No one should become a follower of Jesus Christ without first counting the high cost of doing so. Being an authentic Christian demands a willingness to pay the price. We need to encourage people to consider what Christ asks of them since it is costly. Part of that cost is having things we know are unacceptable become perfectly acceptable in today's society. Unfortunately, I don't live in a cultural vacuum, so other's (generally the majority) opinions and ways of life are forced upon me.
I have to listen to cussing in public, I have to inhale second-hand smoke, I have to listen to someone else's music blarring from their vehicle, I have to see people barely covered with clothing, and the list goes on and on. I have to say that one of my biggest pet peeves are those who wear crosses around their necks, and may even wish you a "God Bless"; but knowingly continue to carry on in a very sinful way in their daily life. Do they honestly think that attending church on Sunday will negate everything they did wrong the week before?
Or how about those that attend services on Christmas and Easter. Why even bother going on those two days? If you feel it's important enough to go then, why not have your bottom squarely planted in a pew each and every weekend? Do you honestly think God doesn't know what you are really up to? He knows who really has given their life to Him, and those who are trying to "buy" their way into Heaven with good works.
Works are "good" only when:
They come from the love of God. If you don't believe in or love God then it's not good works. Also, good works take into account glorifying God as their objective, and what God wants from us as their guide.
It makes me sad to see people justify what is plainly and clearly against what the Bible teaches. No, it's not ok to be open-minded and free-spirited IF it goes against what the Bible teaches. There are many different religions and beliefs but the Bible is the one and only. Period. No, that isn't just my opinion. It is the truth. Those who don't believe in God and put their life in His hands will find out on judgement day just what the truth is. Unfortunately, for many it'll be too late.
God say's He is disgusted by the prayers, sacrifices and "good works" of those who do not first place their faith in Jesus Christ for their salvation. For those who refuse, God tells us that He also will not hear their prayers. Do you see that? God even says plainly that you MUST do as the Bible says.
Christians should avoid giving any praise to the non-believer's ways. Avoid participating in their efforts to spread false doctrines. However, Christians must still do their part to help non-believers see the truth.
Today's world-wide tolerance movement is a great help to Satan. Most people who subscribe to these anti-Biblical beliefs are damning themselves to an eternity in Hell. They have accepted Satan's lie that the absolute truths of the Bible should be replaced by modern day relativism.
If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds - 2 John 1:10-11
He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scattereth - Luke 11:23
Tolerance promotes the idea that everyone's beliefs are equal, and that we should be accepting of all other beliefs. However, God wants for us to take a stand against anything that contradicts His Holy Word in the Bible. Consider this the next time someone tells you you're wrongly "judging" others by taking a stand against their false religion, behavior, etc:
Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the LORD. And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that [were] on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD - Joshua 24:14-15
Whenever I get that way... impatient with other people's sins, I know I need to take a good look at what is going on with me. Usually, when I am focused on other people's sins, it's because there are things that I don't want to focus on in my own life.
I do agree that focusing too much on other's sins is not beneficial to anyone.
However, I still believe strongly that tolerance promotes the idea that everyone's beliefs are equal, and that we should be accepting of all other beliefs.
God wants for us to take a stand against anything that contradicts His Holy Word in the Bible.
Our World today is in so much chaos because Christians allow themselves to tolerate what they know their Bibles tell them not to.
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