Wednesday, May 31, 2006

School's out!

It's the little things that excite me. Like not having to get up bright and early each morning. Although, if your kids are anything like mine they gladly get up at the break of dawn when they don't have to; and beg to sleep in when they know they have to get up.

I have an almost 15 yr old, a 14 yr old, and a 10 yr old. I have no clue what I am going to find for them to do this summer so I won't hear on a daily basis......."I'm bored".

We are moving to another house across town at the end of June, but packing's charms can only hold their attention for so long.

There is a public swim park nearby through parks and rec. It's a fairly nice one too. We'll be getting passes for the water park; however, I am a fear freak when it comes to sun exposure, so I don't want to spend all day in the sun. Sunscreen or not.

I can always hold out for a month or so for the Back-To-School flyers to start showing up in the Sunday paper. ;-)


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