Monday, May 21, 2007

Beth needs

Found this on the Vintage Pearl’s blog.

Google your name with the word "needs" after it and see what comes up. Here is what came up when I googled "Beth needs":

1. Beth needs to come chill.
2. Beth needs to realize that she has a problem
3. Beth needs teeth
4. Beth needs to look within at what she is believing about her weight...
5. Beth needs to...
6. Beth Needs to be banned from Aruba.
7. Beth needs a first-floor bedroom

My responses:
1. I do need to chill at times. Just look at this blog entry to know more.
2. I do have problems from time to time, and I would say that 9-times-out-of-10 I know it.
3. I have my teeth, but I do need to see about having a couple of cracked one’s capped.
4. I’m not in denial about my weight. I believe whole-heartedly that I am pleasingly plump.
5. Involves illegal substances…won’t take part
6. That’s ok, because I don’t even want to go there.
7. I DO have a first-floor bedroom. What I need is a first-floor sewing studio


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