Friday, August 18, 2006

Some parents may need to chill a little...

I am a mother of three kids ranging in age from 10 to 15. I am very protective of them, but after reading an article on The Washington Post website (Putting Parents In Their Place: Outside Class) I'm beginning to think I may not be protective enough.

"They are needy, overanxious and sometimes plain pesky -- and schools at every level are trying to find ways to deal with them. No, not students. Parents -- specifically parents of today's "millennial generation" who, many educators are discovering, can't let their kids go."

I can't believe how stressed out some parents make themselves over the smallest issues at school. Little Johnny isn't going to freak out just because he's getting a new teacher, or switching to a different classroom. HE'LL ADJUST!

Yes, there is a lot of homework given, but today's kids NEED to be prepared for the world they are facing. And maybe it's a good thing that they sit at the dining room table doing their spelling homework instead of watching TV, sitting in front of the latest video game, or IMing their buddies.

I'll be honest...there are just way too many whiney parents creating whiney kids. Get a backbone and expect more from your child than you think he/she is capable of. You might surprise yourself.

"Many young adults entering college have the academic skills they will need to succeed but are somewhat lacking in life skills like self-reliance, sharing and conflict resolution,"

I am not suggesting that a parent just set their little ones free to fend for themselves, but rather to learn how to get involved without robbing them of the skills they will need throughout life to succeed and handle the situations that will come their way.



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